Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Appium integration with windows platform.

Today i will talk about Appium which is automation tool and is open sourced, used to automate mobile applications. Appium is written in node.js and supports multiple languages to be implemented for iOS or Android mobile devices. We can test web/native applications using appium in mobile device.

This post is regarding how to integrate appium with Windows platform as it has many dependencies to get installed.

Dependencies of installing appium on widows -

  • JDK
  • Android SDK (adb/uiautomator)
  • Node JS
  • MS .Net Framework
  • Appium Client
  • An ide to work with code.
Installing all of the above will ensure that appium has a working environment in windows to be runnable.

After Installing the Appium client and its dependency launch the appium client. It will look like this in the below picture.

Basically it has 3 tabs Single, advanced and presets.

Single - 

You can select the host and port ip addresses here generally its kept as and 4723 as default values.

Advanced - 

This will have some extra options like saving log path, binary path for chromedriver in android, executeAsync callback host and port in iOS. We can also save our presets or settings into a single name and run it every time with the selected settings every time we select the named preset.

Preset -

Contains a list of saved preset saved by user with required settings. User can load the preset and the saved settings will be loaded.

Start Server starts the appium server with the selected settings.

A started server will look like below picture -

Now environment is running all that is needed is a android device to connect and some code to run.
Remember to verify the developer options is turned on in your android device and as well usb debugging is turned on. After connecting the device do a adb device on the command prompt to check if device is detected by the system. If no device is shown you need to install device driver for your mobile device on your system.

If everything goes right the device can now be accessible through the appium intermediate where you can test application through code and automate user steps on mobile device.

P.S. Android setup installs adb and uiautomator which are useful tools while automating through appium.

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